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  • Writer's pictureDr.Cori BJ

How to deal with big changes in your life

Updated: Nov 22, 2018

Big changes are sometimes inevitable; sometimes they are fueled by a crisis or severe stressors. The best way to deal with any process is to take it step by step ,one action, one thing at a time. The mind really focuses on one thing at a time effectively, even though in today's age we speak of multitasking, it is never prudent to multitask crises responses or address change in this manner. Change is a process, takes time, is best with focus.

The tenets of CBT speak to A= Awareness of the situation or experience

B = Beliefs or thoughts about what we are aware of : thinking can be positive, neutral or negative

C = consequences - emotional or behavioural

Dealing with change is always a process of correcting ingrained habits which filter into the subconscious and become drivers.

Tip #1

We're often scared of change because we’re afraid of the unknown. And a good way to deal with the unknown is to think things through carefully. Imagine all of the different possible outcomes, and then decide what would be your best- and worst-case scenarios. Write them down, if it helps. Another great strategy is to think about the last time you were faced with a big change and got through it okay. Remember how scary it was starting high school or learning to drive? Sometimes it’s not as bad as it seems at first, and may just take a little time to get used to.

Tip #2

When a big change occurs, it’s important to figure out how much control over the situation you really have. Understanding your role and how much you can change can help you put things in perspective. For example, if you've just moved out of home, there are many small things you can do to make the process easier. Make a to-do list and check each item off when you complete it.


If the unwanted change is beyond your control, try taking a reflective approach. Accepting that there are things beyond your control, and choosing to be comfortable with that fact, is likely to bring greater peace of mind than waging an unwinnable war. View change as an opportunity to learn and grow, rather than as a setback, even if you have to fake it til you make it!

Tip #4

Even though it can be a tough ask, focusing on the positives can really help you manage change. While the positive aspects of a situation might not be obvious to begin with, it’s worth seeking them out – no matter how small they might be. For example, if you’ve moved recently, you might be away from your friends, but it's also a great way to learn how to be more independent. Try to make the best of the situation. You can still call and write to those friends, and plan to visit them!


Improving your ability to handle stress will go a long way to helping you deal with change. Try practising mindfulness or meditation, or engaging in other relaxation techniques.


It’s perfectly normal to feel overwhelmed if the change you’re facing is really big, or there’s too much change happening all at once. This is when it might be best to seek support. Consider asking friends or family for help or emotional support. Or you can look at some options for getting professional help. Whether you’re coping with a Game of Thrones season ending or dealing with something more serious, there are always others in similar situations and professionals available to help.

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